A Voice From Above

May 4, 2017CoachVickyLeave a comment

Several years ago, my sister-in-law, Nancy, shared with me that I could do a better job listening to the voice in my head that guided me.  She shared that if I listened better I would most likely change some of my behaviors.  I accepted her feedback.

I believe that voice is sometimes my intuition and sometimes it is the Holy Spirit guiding me.  Since my diagnosis in June, I have paid more attention to my intuition and to my relationship with God as the Holy Spirit guides me. Some people may define this guidance by the Holy Spirit as spiritual discernment.

“Spiritual discernment is calling on the Holy Spirit to lead or give direction on a matter. Discernment is more than just a skill. Discernment is a gift from God before it is anything else. Yet there are clearly skills you can put to use when using your gift, and you can become better at it through training and experience … it is something which emerges from hard work and close attention.”  (Reference: http://www.spirithome.com/discernment.html#whatitis)

There are available to us many sources of guidance beyond the limits of the keyhole each of us looks through and views the world.  In many ways, my keyhole to see the world is larger.  I work to be a kinder and more generous person.  I work to put into letters and notes things I want to share with others.  I realize that I may not get a second opportunity to show kindness and generosity in an encounter.

In many ways, my keyhole to see the world is smaller.  I find myself interpersonally open with fewer people and at a deeper level with those few people.

Leaders … How does your keyhole to the world limit your interaction with the world?

Are you listening to all the sources, spiritually and worldly, to live the best life that you can?
