The Time I Have … WOOHOO

Published 19 March 2020

The RFPs appearing on e-Buy and other Federal Contract Sites are somewhat limited these days.  So, I am not spending time responding to market research or proposals.

The time I have discovered … time for all those projects that “one day” I will get around to.  One day is here!

So far, all the linens tucked away in the buffet are cleaned.  I have even sorted those linens that go to the Beach Condo.  The wall mounted convection oven is cleaned.  I am thinking about taking the glass panes apart to clean the insides of the two pieces … thinking is the operative word.

I have stock-piled my copycat gluten free “Shake and Bake®.”

The pantry floor is spotless, and all items organized to include those bulk items in the “spider hole” located under the stairs and behind the pantry.

This morning I finished the overnight CLR® soak on our shower heads by removing the plastic bags secured around them.  Yesterday, I wrapped a CLR® filled plastic bag around the shower heads.  I did have to call for Richard’s help when I dropped my tape for the very high rain head.  All the sink faucets and drains were dismantled and soaked as well.

I also had a long, laughed-filled phone call with my First Cousin Betty.  She lives in a retirement facility and has been on lock down.  If you know anyone, even remotely, in a retirement, assisted, or memory facility on lock down, call them.  It must feel very confusing and isolated to be on lock down in an assisted living or memory care facility.

Today, I plan to finish Grand Nephew Cameron’s deployment package and cook for a self-quarantined family.

We’ll also donate to the Good Shepherd Methodist Church’s Food Pantry.  If you donate, avoid green beans, pasta, big bags of rice or big boxes of cereal.  Think about what you would want from a food pantry if your funds were low.  I would want a bag of coffee.  If I had limited food funds, I would buy nutritious food for my family and not a luxury item like coffee.  To know that I could get coffee from a food pantry would be such a blessing!  Think about individual servings of oatmeal, snack crackers … smaller items that can fill a bag with variety.  I always admire the way that Richard carefully selects low sugar / no sugar canned fruits and soups with meat.

How are you putting your time to the best use?